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A Look Into CGI and How It Is Changing the Metaverse.

Architectural CGI and Metaverse
In recent years, CGI has generated buzz for more than just computer animation. The term "CGI" is increasingly popular in virtual and augmented reality conversations. This is because CGI is a concept that shares a lot of commonalities with these two technologies.

As the world starts to consider what's next after mobile technology, it becomes clearer that this relationship between CGI and AR/VR will grow stronger.

This article explores how CGI can be applied to AR/VR and how it may change these emerging technologies.

What is CGI?

CGI is short for Computer Generated Imagery and refers to producing images, video, or audio by simulating natural processes in a computer. In other words, CGI takes data and information about how an object or person would behave in a particular situation and then creates that image on the screen. This is done in a 3d rendering studio.

The process of generating these simulated images is called rendering. This is just one step of a more extensive process that includes designing the 3D model and creating animation to create believable digital content.

In this article, we'll explore how CGI can be applied to AR/VR and examine how it may change these emerging technologies and whats CGI is best for.

How will CGI change AR/VR?

CGI is one of the most exciting topics in the world of AR/VR right now. Virtual and augmented reality are rapidly becoming more popular, but they're still very new concepts that we don't yet know what to expect.

Computer generated images is an entirely different story. It's been around for over a decade and has already changed how we interact with the digital world.
What will happen when CGI makes its way into the digital world?

Exploring the basics of CGI

When most people hear the term CGI, they think of computer animation, and in reality, this acronym stands for "Computer Generated Imagery." CGI is often called the backbone of digital media because it provides a foundation for all programming and content used in projects like animated movies, games, or other computer graphics.

CGI's core function is to create virtual representations or simulations that are not physically possible in the real world. With CGI, you can make something seem like it's happening when it's just a computer-generated projection.

The applications of CGI are endless: You can transform your boring office into an exciting futuristic space, build a ridiculously realistic ocean surface, or even make your next video game look like you're playing from an actual first-person perspective.

But with CGI now making its way into emerging technologies like AR/VR, there is no telling what type of applications we might see these coming years!

How CGI will shape the future of AR/VR

Although CGI is typically associated with technology, it overlaps with the emerging technologies of augmented and virtual reality. For instance, CGI is often used in virtual reality to create immersive experiences in which people can interact with one another and make their worlds.

This can be seen in the film "Logan," where James Mangold used CGI to create a world that was not only authentic but also made an impactful story.

The exciting thing about this relationship between CGI and AR/VR is that both technologies are moving towards merging into one another. In other words, the lines are blurring between those two separate categories because they're becoming more similar.

This merging trend has been happening across industries, such as gaming and social media, making it so intriguing to see how this will play out for AR/VR in particular.


CGI has been at the forefront of the modern film industry, but it has had its challenges. CGI has not only changed the landscape of Hollywood, but it has also changed the landscape of VR and AR. As CGI continues to evolve and shape the future of AR/VR, it is safe to say that CGI will continue to play a significant role in shaping the metaverse.
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